School of Pharmacy

The School of Pharmacy chosen as pilot site for the RPS's student champions programme

The School of Pharmacy has been chosen as a pilot site for the Royal Pharmaceutical Society’s student champions programme.

Elizabeth Andam (year 2) and James Smith (year 3) have been chosen to be the Nottingham champions .

The  Royal Pharmaceutical Society  Champions will: 

  • Attend a short training course to gain an understanding of the RPS in January 2014
  • Promote and deliver at least one learning session on RPS within their school to fellow students between January 2014 and April 2014.
  • Take responsibility for ensuring that students attending their session/s complete the necessary evaluation materials (i.e. a brief electronic  pre and post session questionnaire).
  • Provide RPS with a short report outlining how their sessions were received.
  • Send RPS copies of all pre and post session questionnaires completed.

If successful this will be  rolled out across all Schools of Pharmacy from September 2015. 


Posted on Monday 16th December 2013

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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