School of Pharmacy

UNMC PhD student selected to present poster


Jim Chai presents poster

Jim Chai, a PhD student at UNMC , who is supervised by Professor Claire Anderson, recently won a prize to come and display his poster at the Research Showcase today.

The University of Nottingham Research Showcase 2013

is being held on Thursday 20 June 2013 at the Engineering & Science Learning Centre, University Park 

Fifty researchers, including Jim Chai, have been selected to present posters they have designed to represent their work. They will spend the day talking to people about their work in a way that is easily understood. The Showcase is open to all, including members of the public. Non-academic judges from the University and guests from external organisations will choose the winners. There are nine prizes up for grabs including a 1st prize of £200.

Members of the university and the public are invited to view the Showcase and meet the researchers from 10.30am.


Posted on Thursday 20th June 2013

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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