TheUniversity Staff Oscars is an entirely student led awards scheme facilitated bythe Education Network of the Students’ Union, and has been running in itscurrent format for 3 years.
Wereceived a huge 562 nominations in total, and they displayed a wide range ofexamples of staff delivering excellent teaching and support services toUniversity of Nottingham students (based in the UK).
Nominationsin the School of Pharmacy were received in the following categories:
Personal Tutor: Difficultissue
Personal Tutor: Best all-rounder
- Michael Randall (Life Sciences)
- Stephanie Allen
Teaching: Most inspiring
- Colin Melia
- Morgan Alexander
- Michael Randall (Life Sciences)
- Nicholas Holliday (Life Sciences)
Teaching: Best all-rounder
- Colin Melia
- Helen Boardman
- Michael Randall
University Life: Prepare forthe future
The School of Pharmacy
University Life: Best memberof support staff (School/ Department)
- Rebecca Carter
- Shiranthi Kulatilake
University Life: Best Schoolor Department
The School of Pharmacy
Posted on Thursday 3rd April 2014