School of Pharmacy

News from 2014

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3rd year student writes an article for the Pharmaceutical Journal

A year 3 student, Catherine Leggett, has written an article for the Pharmaceutical Journal that was published last Thursday,

Students' success at the RPS conference, 2014

Students' success at the RPS conference, 2014
A group of our Pharmacy students attended the Royal Pharmaceutical Society conference, 2014 and Gurpreet Randhawa's poster was highly commended in the RPS poster session.

New cell model to speed up development of brain tumour drugs

New research from The University of Nottingham looks set to improve screening for new cancer drugs and drug delivery systems specifically designed for children with brain tumours.

Partnership agreement signed with Chinese pharma giant

The University of Nottingham has signed a wide-reaching memorandum of understanding with China Resources Pharmaceutical Group (CRPG) in Beijing, which will see close collaboration between the two organisations in a range of areas

Study Supports New Medicine Service

Study supports new medicine service

The New Medicine Service Study (NMS-Study) website is published today

The New Medicine Service Study website is published today - the NMS is an innovative medicines advice service for patients,which could improve patients' lives and save scarce NHS resources.

PhD student wins Best Poster Prize

PhD student wins Best Poster Prize
Nora Francini, a PhD student in Cameron Alexander's group has won the Best Poster Prize at the Macro Group UK Young Researchers' Meeting, Durham

Ground breaking research featured on Channel 4 Embarrassing Bodies

Dr Glen Kirkham showed presenter Dr Christian how we could one day use 3D technology to rebuild parts of the human body.

Universitas 21 United Nations Millennium Development Goals (UNMDG) Workshop in Dublin

In June 2014 two Pharmacy students represented the School at the Universitas 21 United Nations Millennium Development Goals (UNMDG) Workshop in Dublin
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School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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