School of Pharmacy

BBC news features pharmacy and proposed cuts, with a link to e-petition


Sarah Brydges is a Community Pharmacist working both here at The University of Nottingham and also with an independent pharmacy chain called Manor Pharmacy.

"I enjoy the work I do. Community Pharmacy is a vital tool for our NHS: in supporting healthy living, in prevention of ill health and in giving healthcare support.  Most importantly, community pharmacies are able to deliver these healthcare benefits at a primary and local level, which aids the NHS in being more efficient. The government has reflected upon this, and cited community pharmacy as an important part in the country's future healthcare delivery plan called the Five Year Forward View.

If pharmacy is properly funded it can tackle healthcare issues at a primary level. However, there could be a 6% cut to pharmacy funding. In reality such a cut will threaten the services pharmacies are able to deliver, compromising the current impact pharmacy has in healthcare. Have a look at this recent news article on the  BBC news, which also features Manor Pharmacy.

If you disagree with the cuts, and the potential threat to community pharmacy services, then please sign this e-petition so that this issue can be discussed and put forward for debate in Parliament.  Many thanks to the thousands of people who have already signed."


Posted on Tuesday 1st March 2016

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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