School of Pharmacy

Postgraduate student wins prizes.


Muna Adan is a third year PhD student working at the Division of Social Research in Medicines and Health. Muna says: "I recently submitted an abstract to the British Pain Society's Annual Scientific Conference 2016 in Harrogate, which was entitled: 'Characteristics of non-cancer pain patients prescribed long-term strong opioids in primary care: a population based study using CPRD.' This was selected amongst the top 5 oral student presentations in the country and I was invited on the 12th of May to give a talk. To my surprise I received a prize for the top three best research presentation for the talk and it gladdened me to have represented the University and the School at the event."


 The research is supervised by Professor Roger Knaggs and Professor Li-Chia Chen.


Posted on Monday 23rd May 2016

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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