School of Pharmacy

School of Pharmacy staff and postgraduate students offered activities during Science in the Park event March 2016


Science-in the Park-logo

Our staff and students worked very hard to prepare 3 activities to show the public during the recent Science in the Park event organised by the British Science organisation. The organisers expected around 3000 visitors based on last year, however, over 7000 visitors were counted enjoying the exciting mix of scientific activities. The team mostly consisting of CDT students  offered hands-on activities on drug delivery and cream making and produced over 100 tablets during the day. Find our picture gallery attached. All pictures were taken by Helena Trenkic.

Please find the following link for activities offered by the Nottingham branch of the British Science organisation.



Posted on Monday 4th April 2016

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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