School of Pharmacy

Dr Roger Knaggs talks about arthritis in The Express


Dr Roger Knaggs

"Arthritis Symptoms: This is what you don't know about the painful condition"  This article appeared in The Express on 24 May 2017.

In this article Dr Roger Knaggs (from The School of Pharmacy),  who is an advanced pharmacy practitioner in pain management, reveals what is less commonly known about treating  arthritis and how to manage the chronic pain that comes with the condition. 

He discusses the limited benefit of medicines for long-term pain, how exercise is beneficial and how temperature can influence pain.  He suggests mindfulness and relaxation as alternative methods of managing pain.

Professor Knaggs says "Every patient has a different reaction to pain relieving treatments and even the most effective medicines we have are only effective for no more than one third of people"

Posted on Tuesday 30th May 2017

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
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Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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