School of Pharmacy

Sneezing range and nanoparticle factory


PhD students from the EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Advanced Therapeutics and Nanomedicines undertook activities at the Wonder festival on Saturday 17th June at the University of Nottingham’s main campus.

At Marvellous Medicines, children had the chance to learn the basics of targeted delivery by making their own nanoparticles and administrating them to a model human.  A sneezing range was also set up on the day where kids had the opportunity to use a sneeze gun.  This highlighted the importance of covering your mouth and nose when sneezing to prevent the spread of illness.

Activities were collaboratively funded by the Innovative Manufacturing Global Research Priorities, (Robert Cavanagh's and Rosa Catania's recent award for outreach activities))  and also Warwick AMR 'Making connections' alongside additional funding from the CDT in Nottingham.


In the picure: Robert Cavanagh, Rosa Catania, Ruggero Foralosso, Emanuele Russo, Vasiliki Paraskevopoulou, Floor Ruiter, Nora Francini and Keith Spriggs.

Missing members not pictured: Joseph Ali, Gudrun Fridgeirsdottir, Lei Yang, Sadie Swainson, Rebeca Obenza Otero and Blessing Anonye

Sweltering temperatures did not stem the flow of excited children and their families to Marvellous Medicines, a stall occupying prime spot in the Pharmacy buildings foyer.

Activities on offer included the much loved, playdoh-based Human Board which introduces the basics of targeted delivery.  Also on offer was Sneeze Zone – a truly ‘wet’ experiment for kids to highlight the importance of covering your mouth and nose when sneezing to help prevent the spread of illness.

Many thanks go to all who took part both on the day, and in pre-event preparation including; Ruggero Foralosso, Emanuele Russo, Vasiliki Paraskevopoulou, Joseph Ali, Gudrun Fridgeirsdottir, Floor Ruiter, Lei Yang, Nora Francini, Sadie Swainson and Rebeca Obenza Otero.

-      Robert Cavanagh (MTF division)




Posted on Monday 26th June 2017

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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