School of Pharmacy

Students elected at BPSA Annual Conference


Some of our students who attended the BPSA 75th Annual Conference

The BPSA (British Pharmaceutical Students Association) 75th Annual Conference took place at Durham University this year and we were fortunate enough to send a number of students for the week. Each year the conference hosts a variety of events from Q+A panels with top pharmacy professionals, topical debates and exciting workshops. The conference is a great opportunity to network with pharmacy students from across the country and even students from the Malaysia campus.


The 150 delegates in attendance at the conference represent the views of all the pharmacy students across the country and this also means electing members to join the 19-strong executive whom are responsible for coordinating the BPSA. This year Sukhveer Singh (Year 3) and Matthew James Brown (Ex-Nottingham, Pre-Reg) from our very own School were elected to the executive as IT officer and European officer respectively, having been successfully voted in following strong campaigns on both their parts!


The BPSA represents every pharmacy student across the country and hosts many exciting opportunities throughout the year for students to get involved with. If you would like to get involved, please contact Suky Singh or Anna Tilley via our BPSA pages on our PharmSoc website for more details.

Posted on Thursday 20th April 2017

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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