School of Pharmacy

Future Food Formulation Factories

FutureFoodFormulation Factories

Scanning Electron Microscopy image of uniform PLGA microparticles produced on a microfluidic chip.








We have recently had a great success story in the School of Pharmacy.  A 3rd year MPharm student, Sarvenaz Hosseini, along with a PhD student, Amjad A Selo, led by a Research Fellow, Veeren M Chauhan have worked together to have their research, entitled 'Future Food Formulation Factories', published in Impact Magazine.

The article is currently featured on the front page of the magazine and the article focuses on how the research, conducted in the Advanced Materials and Healthcare Technpologies (AMHT) Group, could advance the ‘functional food’ market by augmenting nutritional value and shelf life of nutraceuticals via nano and micro encapsulation. 

Amjad Abouselo

Amjad A Selo


Posted on Tuesday 24th April 2018

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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