School of Pharmacy

Publications Hotspot!


Last week the Advanced Materials and Healthcare Technologies Division produced two research articles and a review all at once.

The research articles details are shown below:

First article

Title:  Haematophagic Caenorhabditis elegans


Veeren Chahan and David Pritchard postulate that haematophagic C. elegans could provide a model to evaluate vaccine responses to intestinal proteins from hematophagous nematode parasites, such as Necator americanus.  The nematode C.Elegans in a laboratory setting feeds on E.coli, in order to eat Professor David Pritchard's own red blood cells and survive!

There is an accompnaying video, entitled

'New model for the development of hookworm vaccines' (follow the link to view)

Second article

Title: Enhanced distance-dependent fluorescence quenching using size tuneable core shell silica nanoparticles

Mohamed M. Elsutohy,ab  Amjad Selo,a  Veeren M. Chauhan,a  Saul J. B. Tendlerac  and  Jonathan W. Aylott*a 

The research group showed how silica nanoparticles exhibit fluorescence quenching between a fluorescent core & surface quencher, separated by a size tuneable silica shell that could be used for sensing applications. 

The review article

Title: New generation of bioreactors that advance extracellular matrix modelling and tissue engineering.

This review details current advancements in bioreactor and scaffold systems and provides insight on how in vitro models can be augmented for future biomedical applications.


Posted on Monday 5th November 2018

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
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Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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