School of Pharmacy

Fluorescent biosensors as tools for drug therapeutics


Researchers in the School of Pharmacy have been using Dolomite Microfluidic’s chips to enhance their work on drug encapsulation and therapeutic delivery. Dr Veeren Chauhan, Research Fellow in the Advanced Materials and Healthcare Technologies (AMHT) group, who works with Dr Jonathan Aylott and Dr Amjad Selo, says: “We have been using Dolomite chips since the end of 2017 and, since then, have continuously manufactured an array of uniformly-sized PLGA particles. We can fine-tune the system set-up, depending on the downstream requirements, to provide a consistent particle shape and size, as well as control drug release parameters. These attributes are key to ensuring the correct dose of drug is maintained, achieving maximum therapeutic benefit without unwanted side-effects.”


Moussa Yaya working with Dolomites Microfluidic Technology

Posted on Thursday 14th February 2019

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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