School of Pharmacy

Akmal Sabri won Gertrude Cropper Prize


Akmal Sabri won Gertrude Cropper Postgraduate Prize - Tri Campus Prize Winner

Akmal Sabri was nominated by University of Nottingham, School of Pharmacy for the Postgraduate Prize for 2020. The Graduate School at the University of Nottingham announced that Akmal has won the Tri Campus Gertrude Cropper Postgraduate Prize for 2019/20 in recognition of the progress he has made with his research and contribution to the postgraduate community. The Gertrude Cropper is a prestigious award for postgraduate students and was founded in 1949 by a bequest under the will of Miss Gertrude N H Cropper, formerly of Woodthorpe, Nottingham.

Posted on Friday 17th April 2020

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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