School of Pharmacy

Pharmacy Schools Council offer enhanced support


The Pharmacy Schools Council (PhSC), which represents the pharmacy schools in the UK, both in terms of policy development as well as facilitating the exchange and uptake of best practice amongst its members, has released a position statement on enhanced support for BAME students and colleagues. This details positive action for meaningful positive change and the need for an open and constructive dialogue, and is very strongly supported by the  School of Pharmacy, University of Nottingham.

"We (PhSC) acknowledge that more needs to be done in our institutions to actively promote equity, particularly for our black students and staff but also for other minority ethnic groups. This has led us to reconsider our practices and we wish to share our intentions and commitments here, with a focus on black students and staff but also with a clear understanding that these same (or very similar) principles can and will be applied to our whole community."

Read the full article on their website.

Download a copy of their Position Statement.

Posted on Wednesday 8th July 2020

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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