School of Pharmacy

Image of Claire Anderson

Claire Anderson

Professor of Social Pharmacy, Faculty of Science



I am President of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society .

I am professor of Social Pharmacy in the Division of Pharmacy Practice and Policy within the School of Pharmacy.

I am a member of the UK Pharmacy Professional Leadership Advisory Board.

I am a trustee of the Commonwealth Pharmacist Association.

In 1999 I was appointed to a senior lectureship at Nottingham, promoted to reader in 2002 and then to a personal chair in social pharmacy in 2003.

Prior to this I worked as a pharmacist for seven years both as a hospital clinical pharmacist and a community pharmacist in a small group in Oxford. I then took up a joint appointment as regional postgraduate tutor for Oxford and North West Thames Regional Health Authorities and a lectureship at Department of Pharmacy, King's College of London. I was part time Pharmaceutical Adviser at Buckinghamshire Health Authority in 1992. I eventually became a full time lecturer at King's College and completed my PhD in 1997, "Health Promotion by Community Pharmacists" an evaluation of the Barnet High Street Health Scheme.

Teaching Summary


My main teaching interests are pharmacy practice, pharmacy leadership and management (Lord Dearing Award 2016), public health,social pharmacy, research methods and skills and pharmacy and communication skills.

I supervise 60 credit MPharm Projects in University of Auckland, Monash University, Melbourne, University of Sydney, & Univeristy of Toronto.

Research Summary

As a leading social pharmacy researcher my work focuses on designing and evaluating pharmacy practice and health service models and exploring patient's experiences of using medicines. My research… read more

Selected Publications

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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