School of Pharmacy

Image of David Needham

David Needham

Professor of Translational Therapeutics, Faculty of Science


Recent Publications

  • EVANS E and NEEDHAM D, 1986. Giant vesicle bilayers composed of mixtures of lipids, cholesterol and polypeptides. Thermomechanical and (mutual) adherence properties. Faraday discussions of the Chemical Society. 267-80
  • ELLIOTT JR, HAYDON DA, HENDRY BM and NEEDHAM D, 1985. Inactivation of the sodium current in squid giant axons by hydrocarbons. Biophysical journal. 48(4), 617-22
  • ELLIOTT JR, NEEDHAM D, DILGER JP, BRANDT O and HAYDON DA, 1985. A quantitative explanation of the effects of some alcohols on gramicidin single-channel lifetime. Biochimica et biophysica acta. 814(2), 401-4
  • ELLIOTT JR, NEEDHAM D, DILGER JP and HAYDON DA, 1983. The effects of bilayer thickness and tension on gramicidin single-channel lifetime. Biochimica et biophysica acta. 735(1), 95-103

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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