School of Pharmacy

Publications in the Advanced Materials and Healthcare Technologies Division


SOLIMAN, M., NASANIT, R., ALLEN, S., DAVIES, M.C., BRIGGS, S.S., SEYMOUR, L.W., PREECE, J.A. and ALEXANDER, C., 2010. Interaction of reducible polypeptide gene delivery vectors with supported lipid bilayers: pore formation and structure–function relationships Soft Matter. 6(11), 2517-2524

PEARSON, T., WARREN, A.Y., BARRETT, D.A. and KHAN, R.N., 2009. Detection of EETs and HETE-generating cytochrome P-450 enzymes and the effects of their metabolites on myometrial and vascular function American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism. 297(3), E647-E656

RAMSAY, J.P., SULLIVAN, J.T., JAMBARI, N., ORTORI, C.A., HEEB, S., WILLIAMS, P., BARRETT, D.A., LAMONT, I.L. and RONSON, C.W., 2009. A LuxRI-family regulatory system controls excision and transfer of the Mesorhizobium loti strain R7A symbiosis island by activating expression of two conserved hypothetical genes Molecular Microbiology. 73(6), 1141-1155

PARDON, M.C., SARMAD, S., RATTRAY, I., BATES, T.E., SCULLION, G.A., MARSDEN, C.A., BARRETT, D.A., LOWE, J. and KENDALL, D.A., 2009. Repeated novel cage exposure-induced improvement of early Alzheimer's-like cognitive and amyloid changes in TASTPM mice is unrelated to changes in brain endocannabinoids levels Neurobiology of Aging. 30(7), 1099-1113

JEAN-GILLES L, FENG S, TENCH CR, CHAPMAN, V, KENDALL, DA, BARRETT, DA and CONSTANTINESCU, CS., 2009. Plasma endocannabinoid levels in multiple sclerosis. Journal of the Neurological Sciences.

SMITH, JAMES M D, MAAS, JAMES A, GARNSWORTHY, PHILIP C, OWEN, MARKUS R, COOMBES, STEPHEN, PILLAY, TAHIR S, BARRETT, DAVID A and SYMONDS, MICHAEL E, 2009. Mathematical modeling of glucose homeostasis and its relationship with energy balance and body fat. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). 17(4), 632-9

BRADSHAW, T D, WREN, J E, BRUCE, M, BARRETT, D A, LEONG, C-O, GASKELL, M, WRIGHT, E K, FARMER, P B, HENDERSON, C J, WOLF, R and STEVENS, M F G, 2009. Preclinical toxicokinetic evaluation of phortress [2-(4-amino-3-methylphenyl)-5-fluorobenzothiazole lysylamide dihydrochloride] in two rodent species. Pharmacology. 83(2), 99-109

TSENG, HUA-MING, GATTOLIN, STEFANO, PRITCHARD, JEREMY, NEWBURY, H JOHN and BARRETT, DAVID A, 2009. Analysis of mono-, di- and oligosaccharides by CE using a two-stage derivatization method and LIF detection. Electrophoresis. 30(8), 1399-405


SEDMAN, V.L., ALLEN, S., CHEN, X., ROBERTS, C.J. and TENDLER, S.J.B., 2009. Thermomechanical manipulation of aromatic peptide nanotubes Langmuir. 25(13), 7256-7259

ZHANG, J., BUNKER, M., CHEN, X., PARKER, A.P., PATEL, N. and ROBERTS, C.J., 2009. Nanoscale thermal analysis of pharmaceutical solid dispersions International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 380(1-2), 170-173

CUI, XIANJIN, KHLOBYSTOV, ANDREI N, CHEN, XINYONG, MARSH, DAN H, BLAKE, ALEXANDER J, LEWIS, WILLIAM, CHAMPNESS, NEIL R, ROBERTS, CLIVE J and SCHRÖDER, MARTIN, 2009. Dynamic equilibria in solvent-mediated anion, cation and ligand exchange in transition-metal coordination polymers: solid-state transfer or recrystallisation? Chemistry - A European Journal. 15(35), 8861-73

CREAN, B., CHEN, X., BANKS, S.R., COOK, W.G., MELIA, C.D. and ROBERTS, C.J., 2009. An investigation into the rheology of pharmaceutical inter-granular material bridges at high shear rates Pharmaceutical Research. 26(5), 1101-1111

DAVIES, M.J., BRINDLEY, A., CHEN, X., DOUGHTY, S.W., MARLOW, M. and ROBERTS, C.J., 2009. A quantitative assessment of inhaled drug particle-pulmonary surfactant interaction by atomic force microscopy Colloids and Surfaces. B, Biointerfaces. 73(1), 97-102

EVANS, N.D., MINELLI, C., GENTLEMAN, E., LAPOINTE, V., PATANKAR, S.N., KALLIVRETAKI, M., CHEN, X., ROBERTS, C.J. and STEVENS, M.M., 2009. Substrate stiffness affects early differentiation events in embryonic stem cells European Cells & Materials. 18, 1-14
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School of Pharmacy

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