School of Pharmacy

Staff listing for the Pharmacy Practice and Policy Division 

Helen Boardman

Associate Professor in Pharmacy Practice, Director of Teaching and Learning, Faculty of Science



I registered as a pharmacist in 1989 having graduated the previous year with a BSc in pharmacy from Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh. I began my career working in various roles in community pharmacy, including managing both multiple and independent pharmacies, and a short period in the Channel Islands.

After seven years as a community pharmacist I took an opportunity to move into research at Keele University, investigating clinical pharmacy services provided in hospitals. I undertook two further studies, West Midlands Pharmacy Workforce Survey and a trial of educational outreach to improve prescribing in nursing homes, before embarking on my PhD. Using population surveys, I investigated the epidemiology of headache and associated use of medicines and health services under the supervision of professors Peter Croft and David Millson.

In 2005, I moved to Nottingham to undertake a project investigating the use of electronic patient records for epidemiological purposes in GP research networks across Europe. Later that year I was appointed to a lectureship in pharmacy practice and in 2015 promoted to associate professor. Whilst my role is a teaching focussed one I maintain research interests in how people use medicines, community pharmacy services and pharmacy education.

Teaching Summary

As the course director for our 4 year MPharm degree, I oversee the smooth running of the programme. I was part of the team who won a Lord Dearing award in 2013 for the development of the first year… read more

Research Summary

My research interests include how people use medicines, particularly over the counter medicines, to treat their symptoms including how they make treatment choices and actions taken to relieve… read more

Selected Publications

As the course director for our 4 year MPharm degree, I oversee the smooth running of the programme. I was part of the team who won a Lord Dearing award in 2013 for the development of the first year of this MPharm programme which integrates the science and practice learning. My teaching now comprises mainly the law relating to pharmacy.

I am passionate about increasing opportunities for student engagement and involvement during their time at university. I supported our students in developing student led mock OSCE exams (where student are assessed in clinical scenarios with simulated patients). These mock exams have now expanded across the course for all OSCE and oral exams. I was part of the team who transformed our professional practice teaching to focus on communication skills within a clinical environment.

I developed, convene and jointly teach on a postgraduate research methods module in social epidemiology.

For 2 years I was the Faculty of Science PCGHE adviser, a role which involves supporting staff doing the qualification at Nottingham and sharing good practice across the seven schools within the faculty.

Current Research

My research interests include how people use medicines, particularly over the counter medicines, to treat their symptoms including how they make treatment choices and actions taken to relieve symptoms. I have evaluated a number of community pharmacy services including customer experiences of these services. I am interested in improving the student experience for our undergraduate students and my research also now includes evaluating innovations in teaching and the experience of our students.

I have published more than 40 academic papers and have successfully supervised eight PhD students. My current PhD students are investigating pharmacy education and community pharmacy services.

Memberships of Committees and Professional Bodies

  • Registered pharmacist with the General Pharmaceutical Council
  • Member of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
  • Member of UK Clinical Pharmacy Association
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
  • Associate member of the British Association for the Study of Headache

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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