School of Pharmacy

Staff Listing for the Regenerative Medicine and Cellular Therapies Division

Image of Aishah Nasir

Aishah Nasir

Research Fellow, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences



August 2021 - EPSRC IAA grant "Chemo-topography" synthetic surfaces for Human pluripotent Stem Cell derived cardiomyocyte maturation

2018 - Present Postdoctoral Research Fellow on the EPSRC Programme Grant in Next Generation Biomaterials Discovery working on advanced materials for improved Human Pluripotent stem cell culture and human stem cell derived cardiomyocyte maturation.

2017 - 2018 Research Associate "Stem Cell Glycobiology project working on sulphated marine oligosaccharides to create stem cell niches"

2013 - 2017 PhD at the University of Nottingham "Using 3D models to investigate metastasis in medulloblastoma brain tumours."

Recent Publications

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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