School of Pharmacy

Staff Listing for the Regenerative Medicine and Cellular Therapies Division

Image of Nathan Carpentier

Nathan Carpentier

Research Fellow, Faculty of Science



Nathan obtained his PhD within the Polymer Chemistry and Biomaterials group under the supervision of Prof. Van Vlierberghe at Ghent University. With the topic on liver tissue engineering he could combine his interest in drug development, 3D-printing and material chemistry. He also got introduced in the fascinating field of organoids during research stays at the Roger Williams Institute of Hepatology and the Regenerative Medicine Center of Utrecht University.

Expertise Summary

Polymer Chemistry Biopolymer modifications 3D-printing Liver organoid culture Tissue engineering

Research Summary

In my current reserach I am contributing to the development of an intestinal patch. The main focus is on material development towards 3D-bioprinting of the patch.

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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