School of Pharmacy

Publications in the Regenerative Medicine and Cellular Therapies Division


SP MORGAN, FRAJ ROSE and SJ MATCHER, eds., 2012. Optical Techniques in Regenerative Medicine Taylor and Francis. (In Press.)

DAVID Y S CHAU, SHERIDAN V BROWN, MELISSA MATHER, VICTORIA HUTTER, NAING L TINT, HARMINDER S DUA and FELICITY ROSE, 2012. Tissue transglutaminase (TG-2) modified amniotic membrane: a novel scaffold for biomedical applications Biomedical Materials. (In Press.)

TELFORD, G., BROWN, A.P., KIND, A., ENGLISH, J.S.C. and PRITCHARD, D.I., 2011. Maggot chymotrypsin I from Lucilia sericata is resistant to endogenous wound protease inhibitors British Journal of Dermatology. 164(1), 192-196

GAISFORD W, PRITCHARD DI and COOKE A, 2011. OdDHL inhibits T Cell subset differentiation and delays diabetes onset in NOD mice. Clinical And Vaccine Immunology. 18(8), 1213-20

PRITCHARD DI, 2011. Invited Review: Worm Therapy: For or Against? J Helminthology. 85(3), 225-227

BRITLAND ST, SMITH AG, FINTER WF, VOWDEN K, VOWDEN P, TELFORD G, BROWN A, PRITCHARD DI and EAGLAND D, 2011. Recombinant Lucilia Sericata Chymotrypsin in a Tropical Hydrogel Formulation Degrades Human Wound Eschar Ex Vivo Biotechnology Progress. 27(3), 870-874

ELLIOTT DE, PRITCHARD DI, BROWN A and WEINSTOCK JV, 2011. Nematodes and human therapeutic trials. Book Chapter. In: Parasitic Nematodes: Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Immunology

TING, KN, OTHMAN, M, TELFORD, G, CLARKE, G, BRADSHAW, TD, KHOO, TJ, LOH, HS, WIART, C, PRITCHARD, D and FRY, JR, 2011. Antioxidant, Cytoprotective, Growth Inhibitory And Immunomodulatory Activities Of Extracts Of Dysoxylum Cauliflorum Hiern., A Malaysian Meliaceae. Journal Of Medicinal Plants Research. 5(24), 5867-5872

JADHAV GP, CHHABRA SR, TELFORD G, HOOI DS, RIGHETTI K, WILLIAMS P, KELLAM B, PRITCHARD DI and FISCHER PM, 2011. Immunosuppressive but non-LasR-inducing analogues of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum-sensing molecule N-(3-oxododecanoyl)-l-homoserine lactone. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 54(9), 3348-3359

HAMMOND, J.S., GILBERT, T.W., HOWARD, D., ZAITOUN, A., MICHALOPOULOS, G., SHAKESHEFF, K.M., BECKINGHAM, I.J. and BADYLAK, S.F., 2011. Scaffolds containing growth factors and extracellular matrix induce hepatocyte proliferation and cell migration in normal and regenerating rat liver Journal of Hepatology. 54(2), 279-287

BUTTERY, LEE, BIELBY, ROBERT, HOWARD, DANIEL and SHAKESHEFF, KEVIN, 2011. Osteogenic differentiation of embryonic stem cells in 2D and 3D culture. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 695, 281-308

INTRANUOVO, F., HOWARD, D., WHITE, L.J., JOHAL, R.K., GHAEMMAGHAMI, A.M., FAVIA, P., HOWDLE, S.M., SHAKESHEFF, K.M. and ALEXANDER, M.R., 2011. Uniform cell colonization of porous 3-D scaffolds achieved using radial control of surface chemistry Acta Biomaterialia. 7(9), 3336-3344

INTRANUOVO, F, SARDELLA, E, GRISTINA, R, NARDULLI, M, WHITE, L, HOWARD, D, SHAKESHEFF, KM, ALEXANDER, MR and FAVIA, P, 2011. Pe-Cvd Processes Improve Cell Affinity Of Polymer Scaffolds For Tissue Engineering

SHAHIDAN NN, LIU R, CELLESI F, ALEXANDER C, SHAKESHEFF KM and SAUNDERS BR, 2011. Thermally triggered assembly of cationic graft copolymers containing 2-(2-methoxyethoxy)ethyl methacrylate side chains. Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids. 27(22), 13868-78

DIXON, J.E., DICK, E., RAJAMOHAN, D., SHAKESHEFF, K.M. and DENNING, C., 2011. Directed differentiation of human embryonic stem cells to interrogate the cardiac gene regulatory network Molecular Therapy. 19(9), 1695-1703
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