School of Pharmacy

Publications in the Regenerative Medicine and Cellular Therapies Division


PRITCHARD DI, QUINNELL RJ and WALSH EA, 1995. Immunity In Humans To Necator Americanus: Ige, Parasite Weight And Fecundity. Parasite Immunology. 17(2), 71-5

HEWITT, CRA, BROWN, AP, HART, BJ and PRITCHARD, DI, 1995. A Major House-Dust Mite Allergen Disrupts The Immunoglobulin-E Network By Selectively Cleaving Cd23 - Innate Protection By Antiproteases Journal of Experimental Medicine. 182(5), 1537-1544

BROPHY PM, PATTERSON LH and PRITCHARD DL, 1995. Secretory Nematode Sod--Offensive Or Defensive? International Journal For Parasitology. 25(7), 865-6


QUINNELL RJ, WOOLHOUSE ME, WALSH EA and PRITCHARD DI, 1995. Immunoepidemiology Of Human Necatoriasis: Correlations Between Antibody Responses And Parasite Burdens. Parasite Immunology. 17(6), 313-8

BROPHY PM, BEN-SMITH A, BROWN A, BEHNKE JM and PRITCHARD DI, 1995. Differential Expression Of Glutathione S-Transferase (Gst) By Adult Heligmosomoides Polygyrus During Primary Infection In Fast And Slow Responding Hosts. International Journal For Parasitology. 25(5), 641-5

BROPHY PM, BEN-SMITH A, BEHNKE JM, BROWN A and PRITCHARD DI, 1995. Glutathione Binding Proteins In The Gastrointestinal Nematode Heligmosomoides Polygyrus. The Journal of Parasitology. 81(2), 302-3

SHAKIB F, SMITH SJ and PRITCHARD DI, 1995. Do Autoantibodies To Ige Play A Role In Ige-Mediated Events? Immunology And Cell Biology. 73(2), 109-12

PRITCHARD DI and FURMIDGE B, 1995. The Anti-Haemostatic Strategies Of The Human Hookworm Necator Americanus. Thrombosis And Haemostasis. 73(3), 546

HOTEZ PJ and PRITCHARD DI, 1995. Hookworm Infection. Scientific American. 272(6), 68-74

HOTEZ PJ, HAWDON JM, CAPPELLO M, JONES BF and PRITCHARD DI, 1995. Molecular Pathobiology Of Hookworm Infection. Infectious Agents And Disease. 4(2), 71-5

PRITCHARD DI, 1995. Intestinal Helminths - new approaches to diagnosis. In: FARTHING MJ, ed., Enteric Infections: Mechanisms, Manifestations and Management Chapman & Hall. 247-265

PRITCHARD DI, SHAKIB F, WALSH EA and SMITH SJ, 1994. Measurement Of Hookworm Infection Intensity And Circulating Levels Of Ige And Autoantibodies To Ige In Atopics And Nonatopics Living In A Parasitized Community In Papua New Guinea. Journal Of Investigational Allergology & Clinical Immunology : Official Organ Of The International Association Of Asthmology (Interasma) And Sociedad Latinoamericana De Alergia E InmunologĂ­a. 4(5), 238-41

BEHNKE JM, PRITCHARD DI, WAKELIN D, PARK JR, MCNICHOLAS AM and GILBERT FS, 1994. Effect Of Ivermectin On Infection With Gastro-Intestinal Nematodes In Sierra Leone. Journal of Helminthology. 68(3), 187-95
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