Institute for Policy and Engagement

Environmental diplomacy masterclass: influencing international policy

Microsoft Teams
Thursday 30th September 2021 (14:00-16:00)
Chris Sims

Climate change and sustainability are global issues that demands global solutions. The international forums where those solutions need to emerge are complex and challenging places. For academic experts wanting to inform future environmental policy, they can seem daunting and inaccessible. But as COP26 approaches, it’s never been a better time to engage with environmental diplomacy.

To demystify this world and help you think about how to engage with international environmental policy, the Institute for Policy and Engagement is delighted to invite University of Nottingham academics to an exclusive Masterclass in Environmental Diplomacy with the Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Uruguay, Faye O’Connor OBE. Formerly the Head of the International Climate Team in the Department for Energy and Climate Change, Ms O’Connor has also served as Climate Adviser to the Government of Mexico when they served as hosts for a previous COP conference, and as Head of International Development at the UK permanent mission to the United Nations. She brings a wealth of experience of international climate negotiations and environmental policy. In 2011 her contributions to tackle climate change were recognised with an OBE award.

The masterclass, which will include a Q&A session, will be a unique opportunity to gain direct insight from a senior diplomat about how academic researchers can best position themselves to influence outcomes from climate diplomacy.

Please note that this invitation is exclusively for University of Nottingham academics and researchers, and other UoN staff in relevant support roles such as impact officers. Please get in contact if you wish to attend.

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