

Learning to live in a changing world

Some changes are already unavoidable, and we must find ways to adapt. The research below explores the knowledge and skills required to make that possible.  

Spotlight on... 

Dr Emily O'Donnell, Assistant Professor in Climate Change and the Environment, explains the value of multifunctional blue-green infrastructure to manage climate change impacts, and how it can be incorporated into policy and practice. 

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Find more articles related to climate change adaptation:

  1. Short article: Children's rights and climate change
    On 11 October 2021, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child published its decisions in complaints brought against five states – Argentina, Brazil, France, Germany and Turkey – by 16 child complainants. This short article examines that decision.
  2. SHORT ARTICLE: Enhancing the resilience of smallholder communities in Tanzania
    These communities are particularly susceptible to chronic hunger, food insecurity, malnutrition and climate change. These problems can be visualised as a vicious circle between small-scale agriculture, rural poverty and climate vulnerability. Breaking this cycle is essential. This short article explores the issue.
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