headshot of a white man smiling in front of a walll

Chris Ives 

Associate Professor, School of Geography


Bio: Dr Chris Ives is an interdisciplinary sustainability scientist with expertise in urban social-ecological systems and the human dimensions of environmental management. His research covers topics including working with diverse values in urban planning and biodiversity conservation, how to enhance people’s connections to nature, and the role of religion in sustainability transformations.

Chris is an editor for the journal Sustainability Science and is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. A full list of his publications can be found here

Chris' full profile



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Below is a selection of articles and resources from the Hub featuring Chris' research. 

SHORT ARTICLE: We need to talk about haze

The recent IPCC Working Group 1 report has made it clear that the climate crisis is not fundamentally a challenge of science but a challenge of our beliefs, commitments and actions. The UN Secretary General commented that "the evidence is irrefutable" and that the report sets out "a clear moral … imperative to protect the lives and livelihoods of those on the front lines of the climate crisis". With morality at the heart of the crisis, the question then arises: which organisations can help direct such action at the scale and speed required to avert climate catastrophe?

SHORT ARTICLE: Faith for a Safe Climate Future

The recent IPCC Working Group 1 report has made it clear that the climate crisis is not fundamentally a challenge of science but a challenge of our beliefs, commitments and actions. The UN Secretary General commented that "the evidence is irrefutable" and that the report sets out "a clear moral … imperative to protect the lives and livelihoods of those on the front lines of the climate crisis". With morality at the heart of the crisis, the question then arises: which organisations can help direct such action at the scale and speed required to avert climate catastrophe?

POLICY: Faith for a Safe Climate Future

This brief explains why morality-centred solutions which harness the influence of faith institutions are crucial for transformative change and acceleration in individual, community, and international-level responses to the climate crisis.
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