Headshot of an asian man in a suit smiling

Bin Wu 

Senior Research Fellow of the Haydn Green Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Nottingham University Business School 


Bio: Dr Bin Wu explores research themes within rural studies,  social innovation and entrepreneurship,  interdisciplinary/systematic methodology, multiple stakeholder engagement . Their main research looked at the needs, voices, local knowledge, intrinsic dynamics and innovation potential among 5 million smallhold farmers who feed two thirds of the rural population in the developing world. 

Bin also leads the Consortium of Future Rural Studies (CFRS), which is based within the Business School.

Bin's full profile



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Below is a selection of articles and resources from the Hub featuring Bin's research.

BLOG: The elephant's journey

China is facing huge challenges to balance economic growth and biodiversity protection. This is particularly true in its remote and mountainous margins and poverty-stricken rural areas, mainly located in western China. In this article, our researchers examine a recent incident that provides some hope for improvement.

SHORT ARTICLE: UK and China agriculture collaboration

UK and China cooperation plays a vital role in global food system and agricultural transition in the post-Covid era, a new report finds.

SHORT ARTICLE: Enhancing the resilience of smallholder communities in Tanzania

These communities are particularly susceptible to chronic hunger, food insecurity, malnutrition and climate change. These problems can be visualised as a vicious circle between small-scale agriculture, rural poverty and climate vulnerability. Breaking this cycle is essential. This short article explores the issue.
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