

Find out more about the ways in which social science researchers at Nottingham
are exploring Communication through the content below.

Video: Discounting, climate change and the ecological fallacy

Does the assumption that future generations will be overall better off justify discounting future damages away? In this video, Matthew Rendall discusses the implications of ignoring the costs on climate change.

SHORT ARTICLE: COVID and companies sustainability commitments

Covid-19 has had profound implications for the "role of business in society". One of them is the pandemic's effect on companies' sustainability strategies. We explored this issue by studying how 25 companies responded to the pandemic in four African countries: Kenya, Mauritius, Nigeria, and South Africa.

SHORT ARTICLE: Faith for a Safe Climate Future

The recent IPCC Working Group 1 report has made it clear that the climate crisis is not fundamentally a challenge of science but a challenge of our beliefs, commitments and actions. The UN Secretary General commented that "the evidence is irrefutable" and that the report sets out "a clear moral … imperative to protect the lives and livelihoods of those on the front lines of the climate crisis". With morality at the heart of the crisis, the question then arises: which organisations can help direct such action at the scale and speed required to avert climate catastrophe?

POLICY: Faith for a Safe Climate Future

This brief explains why morality-centred solutions which harness the influence of faith institutions are crucial for transformative change and acceleration in individual, community, and international-level responses to the climate crisis.

SHORT ARTICLE: Can our grandchildren help us fund the transition to net zero?

We are taking rapid steps toward low emission technology. Government subsidies have supported much of this progress. Yet efforts to accelerate the transition face fierce political resistance, with opponents claiming that they would cost too much. Without stronger support, clean technology may arrive too late.

Short article: Children's rights and climate change

On 11 October 2021, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child published its decisions in complaints brought against five states – Argentina, Brazil, France, Germany and Turkey – by 16 child complainants. This short article examines that decision.

SHORT ARTICLE: Enhancing the resilience of smallholder communities in Tanzania

These communities are particularly susceptible to chronic hunger, food insecurity, malnutrition and climate change. These problems can be visualised as a vicious circle between small-scale agriculture, rural poverty and climate vulnerability. Breaking this cycle is essential. This short article explores the issue.

NEWS: Expert reaction to United in Science 2021 climate report

Simon Gosling summarises the finding of the United in Science climate report, produced by The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 2021, on the state of the Earth's climate system.
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