

Find out more about the ways in which social science researchers at Nottingham
are exploring Consumption and production through the content below.

BLOG: People make the journey to net zero

Inevitably the focus in the debate about net zero is often on the big things: the scale of the challenge, the size of the commitments, and the radical technological innovation that we all hope will help control global heating and create a sustainable, liveable world. However achieving net zero isn't just about technology. If we are going to reach net zero we are all going to have to live differently.

PODCAST: Why is there an adaptation gap?

Dr Megan Alexander discusses adaptation on the Tyndall Talks podcast, exploring some of the reasons why policy and practice are lagging behind where we need them to be to adapt to the consequences of climate change.

BLOG: Sediments reveal climate clues

Freshwater ecosystems support a vast proportion of the world's population – but they are under threat from human exploitation, environmental degradation and climate change. By studying lake sediments, we can build a picture of environmental change over time to allow a precise measurement of human impact.

Blog: Impacts of transitioning to Net Zero

Achieving Net Zero requires pivoting away from fossil fuels, but the economic risks of an abrupt or unplanned transition are enormous. Success demands that governments understand and manage the impact on the oil and gas industry, argues Hafez Abdo.

Video: Unwrapping food supply chains

In this short video series, Dr Anne Touboulic and Dr Lucy McCarthy unwrap their knowledge of food supply chains to explore some of the factors that go into food supply chains and some of the changes that can help to create a more sustainable system for the future.

Blog: Building more effective tools for environmental education

Educational resources that target children's sense of agency are key in supporting behavioural change. To combat climate change we need to understand how to design and implement these into the curriculum most effectively, argues Jonathan Halls.

Short article: Enterprise, communities and climate change: the mobilisation of ideas

Entrepreneurship can be just as much about responding to pressing challenges as it is about creating wealth. At the Haydn Green Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, current research shows how responsible entrepreneurship can change behaviours to reduce carbon usage within those communities most affected by climate change.

Short article: Assessing the effects of a changing climate on women and girls

As reported by UN Women, women and girls face an abundance of amplified social and economic threats compounded by the impacts of climate change.

SHORT ARTICLE: Securing a fairer global economy

The climate crisis, the most complex and critical challenge of our time, must be tackled on many fronts. It requires coordinated, strategic and evidence-based action, yet working in harmony towards a shared goal is not always easy.

BLOG: (Re)thinking a different future: sociological perspectives of climate change

It is time to employ some radical thinking on the future of our food systems.
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