

Find out more about the ways in which social science researchers at Nottingham
are exploring Emissions through the content below.

BLOG: (Re)thinking a different future: sociological perspectives of climate change

It is time to employ some radical thinking on the future of our food systems.

Research paper: Public perceptions of demand side management and a smarter energy future

This research paper examines public perceptions and acceptability of a range of current DSM possibilities in a representative sample of the British population. It explores concerns over climate change, affordability, and acceptance of new technology to understand barriers to adopton of new technologies.

SHORT: Government's role in promoting wood burning stove emissions

Based on an analysis of over 18,000 government records of heating and cooking appliances exempt from smoke control rules, and interviews with air pollution officers from local councils across the UK, the research shows how the Deregulation Act 2015 opened the door to a market of stoves exempt from urban air pollution controls (see graph).

Podcast: The Ethics of Climate Finance

Matthew Rendall joins Ben to talk about the ethics of financing climate change solutions. Is it justifiable to fund greenhouse gas mitigation through deficit spending? Matthew brings Ben up to speed on his latest research.

SHORT ARTICLE: Paying for the transition to sustainable energy

Energy security, climate change, sustainable energy and the transition to renewable energy are linked topics. Increasingly, the preferred policy direction across the globe is to promote renewable energy options, in order to tackle climate change and create a sustainable economy while maintaining energy security.

Video: Discounting, climate change and the ecological fallacy

Does the assumption that future generations will be overall better off justify discounting future damages away? In this video, Matthew Rendall discusses the implications of ignoring the costs on climate change.

SHORT ARTICLE: We need to talk about haze

The recent IPCC Working Group 1 report has made it clear that the climate crisis is not fundamentally a challenge of science but a challenge of our beliefs, commitments and actions. The UN Secretary General commented that "the evidence is irrefutable" and that the report sets out "a clear moral … imperative to protect the lives and livelihoods of those on the front lines of the climate crisis". With morality at the heart of the crisis, the question then arises: which organisations can help direct such action at the scale and speed required to avert climate catastrophe?

SHORT ARTICLE: Faith for a Safe Climate Future

The recent IPCC Working Group 1 report has made it clear that the climate crisis is not fundamentally a challenge of science but a challenge of our beliefs, commitments and actions. The UN Secretary General commented that "the evidence is irrefutable" and that the report sets out "a clear moral … imperative to protect the lives and livelihoods of those on the front lines of the climate crisis". With morality at the heart of the crisis, the question then arises: which organisations can help direct such action at the scale and speed required to avert climate catastrophe?

PODCAST: Developing a sustainable food supply

Anne Touboulic and Festo Massawe from Nottingham's Future Food Beacon discuss the impacts of climate change on global food supplies and what can be done to help.

POLICY: Faith for a Safe Climate Future

This brief explains why morality-centred solutions which harness the influence of faith institutions are crucial for transformative change and acceleration in individual, community, and international-level responses to the climate crisis.
Displaying 11 to 20 of 26