

Find out more about the ways in which social science researchers at Nottingham
are exploring Environment through the content below.

SHORT ARTICLE: Paying for the transition to sustainable energy

Energy security, climate change, sustainable energy and the transition to renewable energy are linked topics. Increasingly, the preferred policy direction across the globe is to promote renewable energy options, in order to tackle climate change and create a sustainable economy while maintaining energy security.

SUMMARY: Understanding how to conserve plant diversity

This short article summarises research discovering new patterns of plant diversity. The study produced, for the first time, global maps of local plant biodiversity, based on field surveys around the world, transforming our understanding of how to conserve this vital resource.

Video: Discounting, climate change and the ecological fallacy

Does the assumption that future generations will be overall better off justify discounting future damages away? In this video, Matthew Rendall discusses the implications of ignoring the costs on climate change.

POLICY BRIEF: Sustainable Gemstone Mining in Kenya

This Policy Brief aims to build public awareness on the policies and measures that are planned to be put in place to develop a sustainable artisanal and small-scale mining sector in Taita Taveta.

SHORT ARTICLE: Addressing Modern Slavery

Modern slavery has increasingly been linked to the environment; in particular environmental degradation and climate change. Modern slavery can be a driver of environmental change as well an outcome – changes in the environment can push people into situations where they may become vulnerable to modern slavery and vice versa. To address climate change, the impacts of modern slavery must be accounted for.

VIDEO: Sustainable gemstone mining in Kenya

The Sustainable Artisanal and Small-scale Mining project supports the development of a more responsible and inclusive gemstone mining in Kenya. The project team draw on the local knowledge, skills and technologies of miners and mining stakeholders (i.e. the national and local governments, mining associations, community based organisations, non-governmental organizations, local communities and religious organisations) to co-create context driven bottom-up solutions that mitigate the impact of ASM activities on the natural environment, occupational health and safety, and the social inclusion and well-being of miners and local communities.

PODCAST: Developing a sustainable food supply

Anne Touboulic and Festo Massawe from Nottingham's Future Food Beacon discuss the impacts of climate change on global food supplies and what can be done to help.

Podcast: Modern slavery and the climate crisis

Amanda is joined by Dr Bethany Jackson and Dr Jess Sparks from the Rights Lab at the University of Nottingham. They dig deep into a discussion on modern slavery within the climate crisis and thus the modern slavery/climate change nexus.

SHORT ARTICLE: Can our grandchildren help us fund the transition to net zero?

We are taking rapid steps toward low emission technology. Government subsidies have supported much of this progress. Yet efforts to accelerate the transition face fierce political resistance, with opponents claiming that they would cost too much. Without stronger support, clean technology may arrive too late.

POLICY PAPER: Addressing Modern Slavery at COP26

Achieving the environmental SDGs must address modern slavery, through expanding collaborative action to centre the voices and rights of workers, communities, and survivors of modern slavery at all levels of legislation design and implementation.
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