BYRNE, CHRISTOPHER, 2022. What determines perceived graduate employability? Exploring the effects of personal characteristics, academic achievements and graduate skills in a survey experiment Studies in Higher Education. 47(1), 159-176
BYRNE, CHRISTOPHER, RANDALL, NICK and THEAKSTON, KEVIN, 2021. Edward Heath: Leadership Competence and Capability Policies and Politics Under Prime Minister Edward Heath. 317-354
BYRNE, CHRIS, RANDALL, NICK and THEAKSTON, KEVIN, 2021. Theresa May’s disjunctive premiership: Choice and constraint in political time The British Journal of Politics and International Relations. 23(4), 699-716
BYRNE, CHRISTOPHER, RANDALL, NICK and THEAKSTON, KEVIN, 2020. Disjunctive Prime Ministerial Leadership in British Politics: From Baldwin to Brexit
BYRNE, CHRISTOPHER and THEAKSTON, KEVIN, 2019. Understanding the power of the prime minister: Structure and agency in models of prime ministerial power British Politics. 14, 329-346
BYRNE, CHRISTOPHER, 2018. Neoliberalisms in British Politics
BYRNE, CHRIS, RANDALL, NICK and THEAKSTON, KEVIN, 2017. Evaluating British prime ministerial performance: David Cameron’s premiership in political time The British Journal of Politics and International Relations. 19(1), 202-220
BYRNE, CHRISTOPHER and THEAKSTON, KEVIN, 2016. Leaving the house: The experience of former members of parliament who left the house of commons in 2010 Parliamentary Affairs. 69(3), 686-707
BATES, STEPHEN R, KERR, PETER, BYRNE, CHRISTOPHER and STANLEY, LIAM, 2014. Questions to the Prime Minister: A comparative study of PMQs from Thatcher to Cameron Parliamentary Affairs. 67(2), 253-280
BYRNE, CHRISTOPHER, KERR, PETER and FOSTER, EMMA, 2014. What kind of ‘Big Government’is the big society? A reply to Bulley and Sokhi-Bulley The British Journal of Politics and International Relations. 16(3), 471-478
FOSTER, EMMA ANN, KERR, PETER and BYRNE, CHRISTOPHER, 2014. Rolling back to roll forward: Depoliticisation and the extension of government Policy & Politics. 42(2), 225-241
FOSTER, EMMA, KERR, PETER, HOPKINS, ANTHONY, BYRNE, CHRISTOPHER and AHALL, LINDA, 2013. The personal is not political: At least in the UK's top politics and IR departments The British Journal of Politics and International Relations. 15(4), 566-585
BYRNE, CHRISTOPHER, FOSTER, EMMA and KERR, PETER, 2012. Understanding conservative modernisation. In: Cameron and the Conservatives: The transition to coalition government Palgrave Macmillan UK London. 16-31
KERR, PETER, BYRNE, CHRISTOPHER and FOSTER, EMMA, 2011. Theorising Cameronism Political Studies Review. 9(2), 193-207