School of Politics and International Relations

Hanjing WANG

Doctoral Researcher,



Hanjing is a Doctoral Researcher in the School of Politics and International Relations. Prior to starting her PhD research, Hanjing completed MRes in Russian, Eastern European and Eurasian Studies at University of Glasgow and graduated as Merit degree. Before that, she completed her BA (Hons) in International Studies at University of Nottingham China campus and graduated as First-Class degree. The undergraduate programme includes student exchange year/semester, which Hanjing spent at University of Nottingham UK campus for one semester.

Research Summary

Hanjing is currently working on her PhD thesis - 'China-Russia relations in the 1990s: endless rapprochement'. This is an important area of enquiry, because the development of relations between China… read more

Recent Publications

Current Research

Hanjing is currently working on her PhD thesis - 'China-Russia relations in the 1990s: endless rapprochement'. This is an important area of enquiry, because the development of relations between China and Russia during the first decade of the post-Soviet era remains distinctly understudied. This decade built the foundations of what is today described as the 'highest level in history' of relations between both states. As such, a solid understanding of how relations developed during the 1990s is important for an informed assessment of the state and trajectory of contemporary China-Russia relations. The research focuses on the concept of 'rapprochement' in Sino-Russian relations as well.

The study has three main aims: 1. How should 'rapprochement' be defined and how it can be measured? What are the details about the process through which the enemies became friends? What causal conditions enable stable peace to emerge and endure? 2. How useful is the concept of 'Rapprochement' for understanding developments in bilateral relations (e.g. China-Russia relations)? 3. Had China and Russia reached 'Rapprochement' during the 1990s or is this still an ongoing process?

Hanjing's supervisors are Professor Bettina Renz and Dr Chun-yi Lee.

School of Politics and International Relations

Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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