School of Politics and International Relations

Image of Jonathan Sullivan

Jonathan Sullivan

Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences



Dr Jonathan Sullivan is a China specialist and political scientist. He has been studying China formally since 1996. He attained a First with Distinction in Spoken Chinese for his BA in Modern Chinese Studies at the University of Leeds and has Masters degrees in Asia Pacific Studies (University of Leeds) and Political Science (University of Nottingham). He completed his PhD at the University of Nottingham in 2010.

Dr Sullivan is interested in all aspects of China and Chinese life, from his specialist research on political behavior, political communications, foreign and cross-Strait relations to amateur interests in Chinese literature, film, music, and, naturally, food.

Dr Sullivan has worked extensively with various governments and government departments, including an ESRC funded collaborative project with the FCDO. Dr Sullivan has extensive engagement with the media, frequently writing and commenting on issues relating to China. He was a British Science Association media fellow, which facilitated a period of work at the BBC.

Expertise Summary

Chinese politics, internet and media; China's relations with its neighbors; China's expanding global role; Cross-Strait relations; Taiwanese politics and elections; political communications; Chinese football, celebrity and influencer economy

Teaching Summary

Convenor: International Politics of the Asia-Pacific [year 1]

Convenor: The politics of celebrity, sex and alternative lifestyles in China [year 3 & 4]

Lecturer: Global Asia [year 4]

Research Summary

Dr Sullivan works in multiple fields, including Chinese politics and foreign relations, Taiwanese politics and cross-Strait relations, Chinese political communications and media, digital politics,… read more

Selected Publications

  • JONATHAN SULLIVAN, 2024. Time matters in cross-Strait relations: Tsai Ing-wen and Taiwan’s future The China Quarterly.
  • JONATHAN SULLIVAN and LEV NACHMAN, 2024. Taiwan: A contested democracy under threat Agenda.
  • JONATHAN SULLIVAN, YUPEI ZHAO and WEIXIANG WANG, 2023. China’s livestreaming local officials: An experiment in popular digital communications The China Quarterly.
  • SULLIVAN, J and WANG, W, 2022. China’s “wolf warrior diplomacy”: The interaction of formal diplomacy and cyber-nationalism. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs.

School of Politics and International Relations

Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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