Professor Sue Arrowsmith presented an introduction to the Government’s current procurement reform programme at the roundtable on better IT procurement on 26 February 2021, chaired by Baroness Morgan of Cotes. Professor Arrowsmith recently served as a member of the Government’s Procurement Transformation Advisory Committee in the process leading to the 2020 Green Paper on procurement reform.
Her contributions to the round table highlighted some key messages from her publications including the limited role of the law – the Green Paper is actually about transforming public procurement LAW, which is only a small element of transforming public procurement; the important potential of open contracting; and the limits (as well as benefits) of procurement as a tool for social value.
Participants discussing these and other issues at the roundtable included Sir Francis Maude, Dame Margaret Hodge, Lord Clement-Jones, Lord Holmes, Stephen Kelly and various participants from the UK technology sector.
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