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calculate how much infertility may be costing you ...



... the software

The interaction between PROMISETM and the farms is done via the Promise software. Stating with the simple front end (see screen shot 1) you record basic details on cows that are soon due to calve or have recently calved.

Note: the screen shots on this page have been reduced in size which has produced some distortion. For a clearer image click on any of the images for a larger image.

screen shot 1

The software then advises when to start taking milk samples from these cows for analysis. The analysis results are interpreted at the laboratory and the reports sent back by email for the on-farm software to display.
The analysis will be presented in the form of lists (see screen shot 2) of recommended actions.

screen shot 2

The software will also allow you to view detailed information (screen shot 3) as well as graphed profiles for each cow (screen shot 4)

screen shot 3

screen shot 4



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