School of Psychology

ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023


The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) is pleased to announce the sixth call for applications to its Postdoctoral Fellowship (PDF) scheme, which will open on 1st November 2022. The scheme is aimed at providing a career development opportunity for those in the immediately postdoctoral stage of their career, to provide the opportunity to consolidate their PhD through developing publications, their networks, and their research and professional skills. The PDF call forms part of ESRC’s strategy to support early career researchers and will be delivered through our national network of Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs) which encompasses 73 research organisations across the UK.

The grants provide funding for up to one year full-time, or up to two years part-time* to give fellows time to prepare for a successful career in research either within or beyond academia. A limited amount of teaching will contribute to the professional development of the fellow and therefore grant holders can set aside up to six hours per week (pro rata) to teaching-related duties during the fellowship, including training and class preparation time.

The fellows must be located on an accredited DTP pathway. Through being embedded within a high-quality environment for research and training, the fellows will have the opportunity to undertake a varied programme of activities supporting their continued development for careers both within and outside of academia. The Midlands Graduate School Doctoral Training Partnership is one of the DTPs participating in this round and is now inviting applications for ESRC funded PDFs to be based at one of its partner institutions (including here at the University of Nottingham). We therefore encourage proposed mentors here at Nottingham to identify eligible applicants for this scheme. Applicants and their mentors at Nottingham will be expected to be aligned to one of the Nottingham Midlands Graduate School Training Pathways.  Each pathway has an academic contact who can provide further support in terms of the content and remit of pathways. A list of pathways and pathway contacts can be found here

*Part-time grants are intended for applicants whose normal working hours are part-time and not for applicants who wish to hold the fellowship and continue other employment. The exception to this is applicants whose PhD was necessarily undertaken on a part-time basis alongside permanent part-time employment . Applicants in this position can continue to hold their part-time employment alongside the fellowship but all other fellows must spend 100% of their working time (whether full-time or part-time) on the fellowship and cannot take any secondary paid employment during the course of the grant.



In summary, to be eligible to apply to the University of Nottingham, applicants must:

  • Have completed their PhD at a research organisation (RO) that is part of a DTP or CDT
  • Be aligned to a pathway offered by the University of Nottingham (please see here for the pathways offered)
  • Have been awarded a PhD or have passed their viva voce with minor amendments by the application deadline of 23rd March 2023 and have been awarded their PhD by the fellowship start date of 1st October 2023 
  • Have no more than 12 months active postdoctoral experience since passing their viva voce (allowing for career breaks) by 23rd March 2023*
  • Have a mentor based at the University of Nottingham. The mentor should have experience and a strong interest in the applicant’s field of research but should not normally be the applicant’s PhD supervisor.

Permanent members of staff in an academic position with a research component are not eligible for this scheme.

*If a candidate has previously been employed on a part-time basis, that employment can be calculated on a pro-rata basis.

We ask that all applicants ensure their eligibility to the scheme.  Further details on eligibility can be found in the call specification:


School of Psychology Internal Process

For applicants applying to the School of Psychology at Nottingham, the following internal process of support has been put in place for this scheme: 



9am Friday 20th January 2023

  • Applicants to have contacted Dr Neil Roach or Dr Matias Ison and received confirmation of support from one of them and the proposed mentor in the School of Psychology. Neil and Matias would also be good points of contact for candidates looking for a mentor within the School 
  • Dr Neil Roach or Dr Matias Ison will notify Heads of School/Directors of Research for confirmation of support for applicants from the School
  • Mentors to also inform Dr Teresa Matini (FoS Senior RDM aligned to School of Psychology) of supported applicants

W/c 30th January 2023

Dr Teresa Matini to make contact with applicants/mentor to confirm the support available

Ongoing - February 2023

Applicants to draft proposals with support of school-based mentors and contact.  Draft proposals should include:

  • Application Form (attached)
  • Case for Support
  • Justification of Resources  
  • CV
  • List of Publications
  • Workplan
  • Equality and Diversity Form (available on the website here once the call opens on 1st November 2022)
  • Other attachments (if applicable – see Call Specification attached)

9am Monday 27th February 2023

Applicants to submit draft proposals (including all sections listed above) to Dr Teresa Matini (RDM), Dr Neil Roach and mentor for review

W/c 6th March 2023

Dr Teresa Matini, Dr Neil Roach and mentors to return review comments to applicants

9am Monday 6th March 2023

Applicants to ensure the following attachments are completed and returned directly to them (see guidance):

  • Head of School Statement
  • Mentor Statement and CV
  • Referee Statement

9am Monday 13th March 2023

Applicants to submit final proposal (with all required attachments) to Dr Teresa Matini (RDM) for final checks

9am Monday 20th March 2023

Applicants to ensure proposal is fully completed/finalised and approved by the school in RIS to allow for institutional approval

4pm Thursday 23th March 2023

Scheme deadline

Once the proposal has received school/institutional approval (as above) applicants to submit full proposal (Application Form and all required attachments) directly to (copying in relevant Faculty RDM contact)


Further details on the call can be found via the Midlands Graduate School ESRC DTP website here.

Posted on Monday 5th December 2022

School of Psychology

University Park
The University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

For all enquires please visit: