School of Psychology

Publication of the Month- September 2023

Welcome to our Journal of the Month news release series, where we highlight some of the work that is taking place within the psychology division. This month, we are featuring a journal from Mark Van Rossum, titled: ‘Energetically efficient learning in neuronal networks’ Mark has put together a few words describing what their research entails.

‘Human and animal experiments have shown that acquiring and storing information can require substantial amounts of metabolic energy. Biological learning is thought to mainly take place by changing connections between neurons, so called neural plasticity. However, computational models of neural plasticity only seldom take the metabolic cost into account and might thereby miss an important constraint on biological learning. We explore various ways to reduce energy requirements for learning in neural networks. By comparing the resulting learning rules to cognitive and neurophysiological observations, we discuss how energy efficiency might have shaped biological learning. The research also suggests ways that learning in AI could be more energy efficient.’.

If this article has caught your interest, you can read it at the following place:

Posted on Wednesday 11th October 2023

School of Psychology

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The University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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