QUIGLEY, M. C., EATHERINGTON, C. J. and HASELGROVE, M., 2019. Learned changes in outcome associability The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 72(2), 209-221 HASELGROVE, MARK and MCLAREN, I. P. L., 2019. The psychology of associative learning: Editorial QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY. 72(2), 93-97 BUCKLEY, MATTHEW G., SMITH, ALASTAIR D. and HASELGROV, MARK, 2019. Thinking outside of the box II: Disrupting the cognitive map COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY. 108, 22-41 MUSIAT P, POTTERTON R, GORDON G, SPENCER L, ZEILER M, WALDHERR K, KUSO S, NITSCH M, ADAMCIK T, WAGNER G, KARWAUTZ A, EBERT DD, DODD A, DOOLEY B, HARRISON A, WHITT E, HASELGROVE M, SHARPE H, SMITH J, TRESSLER R, TROOP N, VINYARD C, GÖRLICH D, BEECHAM J, BONIN E, JACOBI C and SCHMIDT U, 2019. Web-based indicated prevention of common mental disorders in university students in four European countries - Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Internet interventions. 16, 35-42 HASELGROVE, M, 2018. Learning. In: DAVEY, G., ed., Psychology BPS/Wiley-Blackwell..
GRANGER K, MORAN PM, BUCKLEY M and HASELGROVE M, 2016. Enhanced latent inhibition in high schizotypy individuals Personality and Individual Differences. 91, 31-39 BUCKLEY, MATTHEW G., SMITH, ALASTAIR D. and HASELGROVE, MARK, 2016. Blocking Spatial Navigation Across Environments That Have a Different Shape JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-ANIMAL LEARNING AND COGNITION. 42(1), 51-66 HASELGROVE, M., LE PELLEY, M. E., SINGH, N. K., TEOW, H. Q., MORRIS, R. W., GREEN, M. J., GRIFFITHS, O. and KILLCROSS, A. S., 2016. Disrupted attentional learning in high schizotypy: Evidence of aberrant salience. British journal of psychology. 107(4), 601-624 HASELGROVE, M, 2016. Overcoming Associative Learning Journal of Comparative Psychology. 130, 226-240 HASELGROVE, M, 2016. Learning: A Very Short Introduction Oxford University Press.
BUCKLEY, MATTHEW G., SMITH, ALASTAIR D. and HASELGROVE, MARK, 2015. Learned predictiveness training modulates biases towards using boundary or landmark cues during navigation Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 68(6), 1183-1202 BUCKLEY MG, SMITH AD and HASELGROVE M, 2014. Shape shifting: Local landmarks interfere with navigation by, and recognition of, global shape. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 40(2), 492-510 BUCKLEY MG, SMITH AD and HASELGROVE M, 2014. Learned predictiveness training modulates biases towards using boundary or landmark cues during navigation. Quarterly journal of experimental psychology (2006). 68(6), 1183-202 DYMOND S, HASELGROVE M and MCGREGOR A, 2013. Clever crows or unbalanced birds? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110(5), E336 JONES, P. M. and MARK HASELGROVE, 2013. Blocking and associability change Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes. 39, 249-258
HASELGROVE, M., TAM, S. K. E and JONES, P. M., 2013. Enhanced unblocking from sustained post-trial surprise Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes. (In Press.)
HASELGROVE, M & HOGARTH, L, ed., 2012. Clinical Applications of Learning Theory Psychology Press.
HASELGROVE, M, 2012. Attention and Pavlovian Conditioning. In: N.M. SEEL, ed., Encyclopaedia of the Sciences of Learning Springer.
WHITT, E., HASELGROVE, M. and ROBINSON, J., 2012. Indirect object recognition: evidence for associative processes in recognition memory Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal Behavior Processes. 38(1), 74-83 LE PELLEY ME, HASELGROVE M and ESBER GR, 2012. Modeling attention in associative learning: two processes or one? Learning & behavior. 40(3), 292-304 PEARCE JM, DOPSON JC, HASELGROVE M and ESBER GR, 2012. The fate of redundant cues during blocking and a simple discrimination. Journal of experimental psychology. Animal behavior processes. 38(2), 167-79 JONES, P.M. and HASELGROVE, M., 2011. Overshadowing and associability change Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes. 37(3), 287-299 DWYER, D. M, HASELGROVE, M and & JONES, P. M., 2011. Cue interactions in flavor preference learning: A configural analysis. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes. 37, 41-57
MCGREGOR, A and & HASELGROVE, M., 2010. Pigeons and Doves. In: KIRKWOOD, J. & HUBRECHT, R., ed., The UFAW Handbook on the Care and Management of Laboratory Animals 8th Edn. Blackwell.
HASELGROVE, M., ESBER, G.R., PEARCE, J.M. and JONES, P.M., 2010. Two kinds of attention in Pavlovian conditioning: evidence for a hybrid model of learning Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes. 36(4), 456-470 HASELGROVE, M. and EVANS, L.H., 2010. Variations in selective and nonselective prediction error with the negative dimension of schizotypy Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 63(6), 1127-1149 ESBER, GUILLEM R, PEARCE, JOHN M and HASELGROVE, MARK, 2009. Enhancement of responding to A after A+/AX+ training: challenges for a comparator theory of learning. Journal of experimental psychology. Animal behavior processes. 35(4), 485-97
DWYER, D.M., LE PELLEY, M.E., GEORGE, D.N., HASELGROVE, M. and HONEY, R.C., 2009. Straw-men and selective citation are needed to argue that associative-link formation makes no contribution to human learning Behavioural & Brain Sciences. VOL 32, 206
DOPSON, JEMMA C, PEARCE, JOHN M and HASELGROVE, MARK, 2009. Failure of retrospective revaluation to influence blocking. Journal of experimental psychology. Animal behavior processes. 35(4), 473-84
KYD, R J, PEARCE, J M, HASELGROVE, M, AMIN, E and AGGLETON, J P, 2008. The effects of hippocampal system lesions on a novel temporal discrimination task for rats. Behavioural Brain Research. 187(1), 159-71 HASELGROVE, MARK, ROBINSON, JASPER, NELSON, ANDREW and PEARCE, JOHN M, 2008. Analysis of an ambiguous-feature discrimination. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 61(11), 1710-25
PEARCE, J. M, ESBER, G. R, GEORGE, D. N and & HASELGROVE, M., 2008. The nature of discrimination learning in pigeons Learning & Behavior. 36(3), 188-199
MUI, R., HASELGROVE, M., PEARCE, J. and HEYES, C., 2008. Automatic imitation in budgerigars Proceedings B: Biological Sciences. 275(1651), 2547-2553 MUI, R, HASELGROVE, M. MCGREGOR, A, FUTTER, J, HEYES, C and & PEARCE, J. M., 2007. The Discrimination of Natural Movement by Budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulates) and Pigeons (Columba Livia) Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes. 4, 371-380
PEARCE, J.M., GEORGE, D.N., HASELGROVE, M., ERICHSEN, J.T. and GOOD, M.A., 2005. The influence of hippocampal lesions on the discrimination of structure and on spatial memory in pigeons (Columba livia). Behavioral Neuroscience. 119(5), 1316-1330 HASELGROVE, M., GEORGE, D.N. and PEARCE, J.M., 2005. The discrimination of structure: III. Representation of spatial relationships. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal Behavior Processes. 31(4), 433-448 HASELGROVE, M., AYDIN, A. and PEARCE, J.M., 2004. A partial reinforcement extinction effect despite equal rates of reinforcement during Pavlovian conditioning. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal Behavior Processes. 30(3), 240-250 HASELGROVE, M. and PEARCE, J.M., 2003. Facilitation of extinction by an increase or a decrease in trial duration. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal Behavior Processes. 29(2), 153-166 DYSON, M. C and & HASELGROVE, M., 2001. The influence of reading speed and line length on the effectiveness of reading from screen. International Journal of Human Computer Studies. 54, 585-612
DYSON, M. C and & HASELGROVE, M., 2000. The effects of reading speed and reading patterns on the understanding of text read from screen. Journal of Research in Reading. 23, 210-223
BUCKLEY, M. G, HOLDEN, L. J, SPICER, S. G., SMITH, A. D. and HASELGROVE, M., Crossing Boundaries: Global reorientation following transfer from the inside to the outside of an arena. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition. (In Press.)