Quality Manual

Induction and tutoring statements

This page provides guidance on the format of student inductions and the content of all School tutoring statements. Its content is primarily directed at Schools but may also be of interest to students across all of the UK, China and Malaysia campuses.

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Includes: School responsibilities; provision of materials

Schools must ensure that all of their students obtain a clear and timely communication of their induction arrangements. Introductory meetings for all new full-time students must be arranged by schools within their first two days at the University, and for part-time students as soon as is reasonably practical.

Within the induction process, Schools must ensure that all of their students are provided with:

  • An opportunity to declare any disability
  • Required health and safety information
  • Guidance on their course and module choices
  • Guidance on progression and degree award regulations, academic offence matters, and appeals and complaints procedures
  • A student handbook and other materials as may be appropriate incorporating the above information
  • All undergraduate and taught postgraduate students should be provided with information on personal tutoring in their school/unit, including information on the role of their personal tutor, how they can benefit from participation in the programme, the scheduling of meetings, and who to contact should their personal tutor not be available
  • All undergraduate and taught postgraduate students should be provided with information on who their personal tutor is and how to contact them

Schools are also reminded that induction is not solely a Week One activity.


Tutoring statements

Includes: requirements of the School; outcomes of tutoring

Each School is required to produce a written statement of its arrangements for achieving tutoring outcomes  for all of its undergraduate and taught postgraduate students. The tutoring statement may be an account of how each of the individual outcomes is achieved or may comprise a general description of how tutoring works within a School (perhaps taken directly from the student handbook) with a commentary or mapping exercise on how these arrangements secure the tutoring outcomes.

A prime purpose of these statements is to identify practices in Schools that have a positive impact on students’ academic experience and that lend themselves to wider adoption.

Tutoring statements should be made available to all students, either through inclusion in student handbooks or by other suitable means, such as the online Student Staff Forum (SSFs).

For more information about SSFs, please consult the following:

Student Staff Fora

Outcomes of tutoring

  • The student should feel acknowledged, recognised and accepted within their School or department as an individual with distinct academic needs and preferences
  • The student should feel part of the School or department community, experiencing frequent contact with academic staff on an individual or small group basis and building relations with particular members of staff over an extended period
  • The personal development of the student should be promoted; leading to improved communication skills and greater confidence in presentation and dealing with the unfamiliar
  • Students should receive prompt, helpful and detailed feedback on their assessments, in a manner that enhances learning and improves future assessment performance
  • Students struggling with aspects of individual modules, or more generally with their programme of studies, should have clearly signposted and ready access to a reasonable level of academic advice and support designed to remedy their difficulties
  • Students should receive the level of support in developing their study skills necessary to perform satisfactorily on their programme of studies
  • Students with personal circumstances adversely affecting their studies should feel able to make these known to the School or department without difficulty and to be directed to the appropriate support service
  • Students should receive the necessary careers information, advice and guidance to equip them to make informed choices about their future, to understand the options open to them, and to take advantage of available opportunities
  • Students should be made aware of the importance of developing and articulating their employability skills, including possible participation in the Nottingham Advantage Award (NAA)
  • Students should receive appropriate advice and support when considering changing their programme of study or contemplating leaving the University
  • Students should be prepared for periods of study away from their home campus and appropriately supported during those periods
  • The procedures for submitting extenuating circumstances regarding assessments should be straightforward and well publicised
  • Disabled students and those with specific learning difficulties or a long term medical condition should be clear as to the support they will receive and where it is available, and the support should be in line with University policies
  • The procedures for submitting academic appeals and complaints should be well publicised and staff should be aware of their responsibilities within these procedures
  • Students being subjected to the academic offences procedure should receive clear information and advice
  • Students should receive relevant health and safety guidance, especially in laboratory or workshop-based subjects
  • Students should be directed in a timely and appropriate manner to University support services for assistance with all of the above matters as necessary

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This content was last modified on 29 May 2024

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