Quality Manual

Changes in 2016

This page contains a record of all changes made to the Quality Manual in 2016. Please be aware that this page is an historical record and thus, may contain information which has been altered or removed.

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An update to Fitness to Practise procedures from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.


The Data Protection Act/ Freedom of Information Act information was updated.


The admissions statement was updated to reflect the relationship with Kaplan for certain foundation courses.



A change was made to the Feedback to Students Policy, updating the marking turnaround period from 21 days to 15 work days.


The Minimum English Language Requirements policy was updated; IELTS scores for entry to the initial foundation year were updated to reflect the University's English Langauge minimum, from 5.5 to 6.0.



A change to the credit value of modules was agreed by Teaching and Learning Board (TLB); this change was updated.

Forms were updated relating to: Taught Voluntary Interruption of Studies, Taught Programmes Transfer Request form and form for Request to Transfer from a Foundation Taught Course to an Honours Degree.

Updates were made to the Published Staff Works policy.

The complaints and appeals procedure was updated and new forms/processes put into place.  The Student Complaints policy and the Academic Appeals policy were updated.

An update was made to Degree Classifications for entry to Qualifying year or Part 1 from September 2015 and Taught Postgraduate Awards from 2016 onwards.



Following changes to the organisational structure, particularly in respect to Student Services various amends have been made to ensure that students are directed to the correct place for information.  These are not policy changes but minor changes.


The section regarding 'returning students' has been removed as the process described is no longer valid.

Admissions made a change with immediate effect to the 'English language equivalences'. The QM has been updated to reflect this change.

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This content was last modified on 12 April 2022

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