1. Policy
Includes: training for registered students; role of supervisors
All registered research students should receive appropriate training to enable them to undertake and present research effectively and efficiently.
An induction programme, the timing and content of which reflects the diversity of needs of specific groups of research students (including part-time and newly arriving international students) should be delivered at the most appropriate levels (ie School or institutional level). Supervisors should ensure that new students will receive an induction programme appropriate to them.
The training programme should take account of an individual’s needs and comprise subject-specific training as well as training which leads to the acquisition of relevant transferable skills and generic research skills.
2. Induction programme
Includes: information to be provided
The information to be provided as part of the induction programme should include:
- general information about the institution and its postgraduate portfolio in the relevant subject(s);
- the institution’s registration, appeals and complaints procedures, assessment requirements and research degree regulations;
- the names and contact details of the student’s supervisor(s) and information about how supervisory arrangements work;
- the institution’s research ethics and codes and those of relevant professional bodies and discipline groups, including consideration of issues concerning authorship and intellectual property;
- the institution’s expectations of the independence and responsibilities of the student;
- student support and welfare services such as counselling and advice centres;
- a summary of the facilities that will be made available to the student, including the learning support infrastructure;
Note: Including any changes and restrictions on facilities and infrastructure due to Covid-19.
- relevant health and safety and other legislative information;
Note: Including those relating to Covid-19
- where appropriate, a brief outline of the proposed research programme, together with the normal length of study and the facilities that will be made available to the student;
- reference to the research and personal challenges that research students typically encounter during the course of their studies and where guidance may be sought in the event of difficulties;
Note: This should include the particular challenges that may be presented whilst undertaking research with Covid-19 restrictions in place.
- an opportunity for the student representative body to introduce themselves, including specific postgraduate representation;
- social activity, including that provided specifically for postgraduates;
- opportunities for postgraduates to be represented by the student body;
- details of opportunities and requirements for skills development.
3. Identification of training needs
Includes: role of the Head of School; consideration of planning and timetabling
It is the responsibility of Heads of Schools, in conjunction with supervisors and School Postgraduate Student Advisers (SPSAs), to identify the training needs for individual students, to ensure that these needs are met and to determine the means by which they are met.
It is recognised that needs will vary according to the student’s registration status (MPhil or doctoral, full-time or part-time) and according to each individual student’s previous experience. The training needs of part-time students should be considered in planning and timetabling, and they should be encouraged to participate in suitable courses.
For more information about the SPSAs, please consult the following:
Responsibilities of the Postgraduate Student Advisor
4. Subject-specific training
Includes: School requirements; responsibility of the School
Students must satisfy the School’s requirements for research training. Failure to do so may result in the submission of an unsatisfactory annual report to the Head of School.
It is the responsibility of a student’s School to provide subject-specific training by means of, for example, attendance at taught theory or practical courses (either undergraduate or postgraduate), seminars, colloquia, conferences, etc.
Schools should decide and inform the student at the outset of the training whether or not the student’s knowledge will be formally assessed at the conclusion of any subject-specific training.
5. Generic training
Includes: provision by the Researcher Academy; researcher development framework; central short courses
It is the responsibility of the Researcher Academy to provide training and development opportunities which span the needs of different disciplines. This provision will address the requirements identified by the Research Councils and Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) in the Researcher Development Framework. Normally the training and development training will not be formally assessed.
Students can download certificates confirming their attendance at courses and workshops run by the Researcher Academy and other University training providers such as Health and Safety from the Central Short Courses website. The Researcher Academy will provide Schools with annual attendance information on students registered within the School.
For more information about Central Short Courses, please consult the following:
About Central Short Courses
All research students, in collaboration with their supervisors, should establish a full training record or portfolio to keep a record of personal progress, assess skills needs, record development of research and other skills, and supplement their curricula vitae.