Quality Manual

Progression Review of research students

This page sets out the Progression Review process which applies to research degree students in all years of their programme, including basic elements, possible outcomes and appeals. Its content is relevant to staff and postgraduate researchers registered for level 7 (masters) and level 8 (doctoral) degrees across all of the UK, China and Malaysia campuses.

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Please be aware that due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, some of the content on this page has now been updated as part of the University's mitigation efforts. Where this applies, it will be clearly indicated within each section below.

1. Introduction

Includes: basic principles; Progression Review activities throughout the year; progression monitoring; Internal Assessors; maximum time for completion of thesis examination


2.  Timing of formal Progression Review and stages of PGR study

Includes: for all PGRs; different stages of study; purpose and timing of formal Progression Reviews; 4 year PhD programmes with a substantial taught, training and development or laboratory rotation element in Stage 1; recommended latest timings for Stage 3 Progression Review. 


3.  Minimum elements of Stage 1 and 2 Progression Review

Includes: for all PGRs; for doctoral PGRs undergoing confirmation of registration; 4 year PhD programmes with a substantial taught, training and development or laboratory rotation element in Stage 1


4. Elements of Stage 3 Progression Review

Includes: consideration of progress to thesis submission; minimum elements


5. The possible outcomes of formal Progression Review

Includes: outcomes where assessors agree; recommendations on progression; circumstances and outcomes when progression is not recommended


6. Resolution of disagreement on Progression Review recommendations

Includes: process to be followed to reach resolution on the recommendation for progression; timeline for resolution. 


7. Requirements for Progression Review re-assessment and outcomes

Includes: reassessment of progress; support for PGRs


8. Outcomes of Progression Review re-assessment

Includes: the possible outcomes from re-assessment following satisfactory progress; outcomes on unsatisfactory progress; required evidence of progress. 


9. Considerations of Covid-19 or other major impacts 


Forms and documentation

Includes: flowchart for progression review and submission; progression review forms; request to register for an additional period of study; request to transfer student

If you have any problems or queries relating to this page, please contact:
  • UNUK students Flag of United Kingdom 

Student Services

  • UNNC students Flag of China

Graduate School - PGR GS-PGR@nottingham.edu.cn Email

This content was last modified on 02 July 2024

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