Quality Manual

Resources and facilities

This page sets out the University's requirements in relation to the availability of study resources and facilities for Postgraduate research students. This information is relevant to staff and students across all of the UK, China and Malaysia campuses.

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1. Policy

Every research student should have reasonable access to the study facilities and equipment which are necessary to, and which will facilitate, the successful completion of their research studies.

Note: Due to Covid-19 working practices there may be a need to reduce and manage access to research facilities, equipment and study spaces. An individual PGR's needs and access to research facilities will be managed through local prioritisation processes against clear criteria. Where changes in plans are required, supervisory teams will support PGRs to adopt alternative approaches that enable them to address the doctoral outcomes and progression requirements.

2. Ensure resources are available

Prior to the commencement of a research degree, the School should establish that the essential resources and facilities will be available when the student begins their research.

These resources and facilities may be offered either within the School or elsewhere within the University or (by agreement) in another institution or outside laboratory - and the student and supervisor shall have reasonable access to them.

Note: If, as a result of Covid-19 restrictions on building occupancy and access to research facilities, it is likely that the required resources and facilities will not be available for use by a new PGR at the point when they are scheduled to commence their research degree, discussions should take place between the supervisor and PGR. These should consider the timeframe over which the resources will become available, what alternative research activity is possible in the interim and whether it would be appropriate for the PGR to defer entry.

3. If resources become unavailable

If in exceptional circumstances it becomes impossible to continue to provide these resources (for example, when a sponsor unexpectedly withdraws funding or equipment), the School should make reasonable efforts to identify alternative means of enabling the student to gain access to suitable facilities so that they may continue their studies at Nottingham.

However, this may mean that in some circumstances it may be necessary to advise that the student carries on their research work in co-operation with another institution.

Note: If in exceptional circumstances access to specific resources and facilities is reduced or limited in capacity (for example, due to Covid-19 working practices) a local prioritisation process will be used to manage access to these. This may mean that in some circumstances, the PGR is unable to make as extensive use of these facilities and resources as they had originally planned. In such situations, supervisory teams will support PGRs to make changes to their research design and plans in order that they can address the doctoral outcomes and progression requirements.

4. Study space

Schools should ensure that a full-time research student (prior to entering the thesis pending period) should have an appropriate individual study space where the student can work and keep their books.

Note: Due to Covid-19 occupancy levels and restrictions, access to on-campus study spaces will be limited and PGRs will be expected to undertake work from home/alternative locations wherever possible. Access to study spaces may need to be booked in advance.

5. Access to other facilities

Research students should also have reasonable access to the following. In some cases it may be possible to cover the costs from research grants relevant to the students' work:

5.1   Computing facilities: School or open-access University computing facilities. The opening hours of the University facility should be advertised in Schools and local arrangements concerning access to School facilities should be listed in the School Handbook.

5.2   Printing: Schools should offer a minimum of £50 p.a. to full-time research students and £25 p.a. to part-time research students to assist with the cost of draft printing for required reports.

5.3   Photocopying: Schools should offer a minimum of £50 p.a. to full-time research students and £25 p.a. to part-time research students to assist with photocopying costs.

5.4   Inter-library loans: Schools should offer a minimum of £50 p.a to full-time research students and £25 p.a. to part-time research students to assist with inter-library loans.

5.5   Telephones: Students should have access to a telephone which permits internal telephone calls and in-coming external calls.

5.6   Recreational area: where sufficient space has been provided to a School by the University, and where there is no suitable University or Students’ Union facility in the vicinity, the School should provide a recreational area. This need not be dedicated to research students but might be shared with other students and staff.

5.7   Other student services: The University will provide a range of other student services. For example, the Researcher Academy, the Accommodation Service, the Counselling Service, and the Centre for English Language Education.


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This content was last modified on 18 June 2024

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