1. Policy
Includes: responsibilities
The University intends that Academic Schools will provide a study environment which will facilitate the successful completion of research studies undertaken by students.
These matters are the responsibility of the Head of School, or person with suitable designated authority, who is expected to action the following matters.
2. Ensure adequate supervision arrangements
Ensure that, before accepting a student to read for a higher degree by research, there is a suitably-qualified member of staff in the School to act as lead supervisor and the essential facilities and resources which the student requires to carry out their research are available and (as far as can reasonably be foreseen) that this supervision and these facilities and resources will continue to be available for the duration of the student's registered period of study; for part-time students studying at a distance it is the responsibility of the School to ensure that the student has access to necessary facilities and resources at their place of study.
3. Implement equal opportunities policy
Implement the University's statement on equal opportunities insofar as it relates to admission for and pursuance of research study.
4. Establish Safety Officer and Safety Committee
Appoint, as necessary, a Safety Officer and a Safety Committee, and demand rigorous attention to all safety matters related to the student's research activity.
The School should organise safety instruction for students as appropriate and may wish to appoint a Safety Adviser for special purposes. Such Advisers may be any member of staff suitably qualified for the purpose.
5. Designate a School Postgraduate Student Adviser
Includes: responsibilities of the postgraduate student advisor
6. Allocate supervisor(s)
Includes: expectations of supervisors; duration of supervision
Ensure that prior to or, exceptionally, within 4 weeks of their initial registration, every research student is allocated a supervisory team, containing at least two supervisors who:
- have suitable academic qualifications and appropriate expertise in the agreed area of the student's research topic;
- have an acceptable level of supervision experience;
- are willing and able to undertake the job of supervisor;
- are aware of the roles and responsibilities of a supervisor and;
- have been suitably trained in supervision skills.
Supervision should continue for the duration of the student's registered period of research.
7. Provide School Handbook
Ensure that a School Handbook is written and distributed for their School.
This should supplement University documentation with information on special School facilities, services and local procedures, including information relevant to postgraduate study, such as research ethics and approval procedures, etc.
Note: The School Handbook should reflect any School information or guidance for PGRs with relation to Covid-19 ways of working, etc.
8. Monitor Supervision Records
Put in place a system for storing and monitoring supervision records to ensure that the requisite number of supervisions has occurred and with appropriate regularity.
9. Make arrangements for seminars etc.
Organise and invite research students to colloquia, seminars and meetings relevant to their research work.
Monitor, from time to time, the supervision and progress of students in their Schools with particular reference to the completion of theses and provide the University with such information if requested to do so.
The Head of School should receive, consider and approve as appropriate recommendations from supervisors and Internal Assessors that students' registration on MPhil or doctoral programmes be confirmed or amended and shall make recommendations accordingly to the University.
12. Allocate Internal Assessors
Allocate Internal Assessors to research students specifically for the purpose of the Annual Reviews.
13. Nominate External Examiners
Submit the names of suitable individuals to the University for approval as Internal and External Examiners for research degrees.
Additional guidance in 2020/21 due to Covid-19