Quality Manual

Learning Community Fora - UNNC

This page provides information on the Learning Community Fora and about how they provide a platform for the student voice. This information is relevant to staff and students across the China campus.

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The purposes of the Learning Community Forum (LCF) are to ensure that the views of students are given proper weight in the processes of course and module review, and to ensure that the concerns of students about their courses of study are represented to the academic staff throughout the academic year.

There must be at least one LCF in each school, department or division; all students (including research students) must have an opportunity to contribute to its discussions.

Essential information

Includes: general management; agendas, minutes and action points


  • A Learning Community Forum (LCF) must meet at least three times per session, with at least one meeting each Autumn Semester.
  • Each school, department or division should decide on the number and composition of its LCFs, appropriate to its size, range of courses, and student mix. 
  • Students select their own representatives who are responsible for effectively collecting feedback from their fellow students, representing their views at meetings, and disseminating feedback from the meetings. Schools, departments and divisions should facilitate this by providing a mechanism for students to email or contact in some other way their fellow students.

Please note that training and development activities for student representatives are managed by the Students’ Union.

  • The relevant representatives of the teaching staff must attend every meeting and all course representatives should receive an invitation; Senior Tutors should be members of LCFs. Where appropriate, consideration should be given to inviting relevant representatives from Information Services (IS), Student Services and the Learning Technologies section of University of Nottingham Libraries. 
  • The school, department or division should display the names and contact details of the representatives on the LCF, minutes of LCF meetings, external examiner reports and school responses to those reports on an appropriate forum that is clear and readily available to students (such as Moodle).

Agendas, minutes and action points

  • There should be a simple mechanism for both staff and students to have items placed on the agenda for discussion.
  • All meetings must be minuted, clearly indicating agreed action points and who is responsible for carrying them out.
  • Each agenda must include a report on any previously agreed action points.
  • Students are encouraged to undertake such duties as preparing agendas, chairing meetings, and minuting them.
  • LCF minutes must be taken into consideration in the school's annual monitoring processes.
  • It is not expected that every action requested by student representatives will be implemented, but it is expected that they should be given proper consideration and the grounds for non-implementation should be explained.

Online community

Includes: Learning Community Forum - Moodle

The online Learning Community Forum (hosted on Moodle) is here to support the collaboration of staff and students in discussing teaching and learning matters. Any issues raised in this area can then be fed into the regular Learning Community Fora (LCF) meetings held in each school.

To access the Moodle area, please use the following (entering your University username and password when prompted):

Learning Community Forum (LCF) - Moodle

If you have any problems or queries relating to this page, please contact:

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This content was last modified on 01 August 2024

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