Manufacturing Metrology Team

Manufacturing Metrology Team (MMT)

Our research enables next-generation surface texture and form measurement solutions for growing advanced manufacturing sectors such as additive manufacturing.  A wide variety of high-precision production applications can be addressed using our information-rich metrology approach.


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We have topics available for PhD study via the Midlands Centre for Data-Driven Metrology (MCDDM) Centre for Doctoral Training:

  • In-process sensing and machine learning for surface measurement
  • Intelligent 3D scanning for complex objects
  • Quantum surface metrology
  • Uncertainty evaluation with point cloud data

Expressions of interest in the MCDDM Centre for Doctoral Training should be sent to Bronya Norton. Those interested in other future opportunities should contact Samanta Piano

Research support for UK manufacturing SMEs 


Providing companies with the opportunity to work with one of the best manufacturing metrology research communities in the UK. The centre can support you, with workforce training, advice and funded research to embed the benefits of metrology into the design & processes used in digital manufacturing for participating companies ranging from SMEs to OEMs. This includes:

  • Scale-up activities
  • New products and production development
  • Pilot manufacturing and quality improvement initiatives

For business

MMT works closely with a range of industrial partners, and our expertise and facilities are available on a consultancy or research partnership basis. For more information, please see our Facilities page.

More information:

Team leader: Prof Samanta Piano

General Manager: Flavia Villarroel

Collaborative research

The Manufacturing Metrology Team will be taking part of a new European project looking into decarbonising the glass manufacturing industry by using hydrogen as a fuel for furnaces.  To read more, visit:



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Manufacturing Metrology Team

Room B38 Advanced Manufacturing Building
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB