Manufacturing Metrology Team

CIRP Industrial Surface Texture Parameters Survey

In the 2016 Paris STC S meeting, it was agreed that the survey on the use of surface texture parameters that was carried out by Professor Leonardo de Chiffre in 1999 will be repeated. The background to the survey and a link to the site are below. The main participants should be industry members. Please forward the link to non-CIRP industrialists that use surface texture parameters.

In 1999, CIRP conducted an industrial survey of the use of surface texture parameters. In the 17 years since, much has changed, with the most important advancement being the introduction of areal surface texture parameters as described in ISO 25178-2. There has also been the release of commercial software packages for the calculation of surface texture parameters and, therefore, it is expected that industry is starting to embrace areal surface texture characterisation. Industry is also increasingly using more optical instruments, which are often inherently areal in nature. These factors bring to light the need for a new parameter survey, to investigate whether industry really has been adopting areal surface texture parameters. The results of the survey will be published and presented at a forthcoming CIRP meeting.

Please complete the survey at:

Manufacturing Metrology Team

Room B38 Advanced Manufacturing Building
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB