Manufacturing Metrology Team

Peter de Groot invited by MMT to give a tutorial on optical dimensional metrology

Dr Peter de Groot, the executive director of R&D at Zygo corporation and a world expert in optics and metrology, was invited by the Manufacturing Metrology Team to give a tutorial on optical dimensional metrology. The tutorial was an overview of the principles and applications of dimensional metrology instrumentation using optical techniques. The content was suitable for precision engineers that are new to optics, as well as for expert metrologists interested in a refresher and a foundation for exploring new ideas. 

In the morning session, Peter started the tutorial with the geometrical optics of lenses and mirrors, then introduced common optical tools such as telescopes, autocollimators, alignment scopes, microscopes, machine vision cameras, and systems based on focus and triangulation. In the afternoon session, he moved up to the dimensional metrology potential of the wave nature of light, using diffraction, interference, and holography, for stage positioning interferometers, the testing of optical surfaces such as lenses and mirrors, and interference microscopy for surface texture analysis.

The attendees all enjoyed the tutorial, and had many good discussions with Peter. Some students found it is highly effective to learn things in this way, of course, thanks to the high quality of the presentation.

Peter de Groot_Optical Dimensional Metrology Tutorial
Peter explaining how optical metrology kept Moore's law alive
Peter de Groot_Optical Dimensional Metrology Tutorial
Lively discussion during coffee break
Peter de Groot_Optical Dimensional Metrology Tutorial
People lining up to take pictures with the inspiring speaker


Manufacturing Metrology Team

Room B38 Advanced Manufacturing Building
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB