Manufacturing Metrology Team

Calibration of large-area surface texture measuring instruments (CALARGE)

Funding: ESPRC Impact Acceleration Award
Duration: July 2021 – March 2022
Team: Richard Leach, Lewis Newton, George Gayton

With large-area measurement systems traditionally used to measure form, there is an increasing capability for these systems to measure surface texture as measurement resolutions improve. For surface texture metrology, there are various calibration artefacts, known as material measures, that are used to determine instrument capability to allow evaluation of uncertainty through the existing metrological characteristics framework. The problem is that these approaches are not currently applied to large-area measurement systems due to limitations in scaling up material measures and issues with certain measurement techniques in capturing information on surfaces made of certain materials.

With the development of suitable material measures, it is possible to treat optical coordinate measuring machine techniques such as fringe projection as large area surface texture measurement systems and determine metrological characterisations which can then be used to determine measurement uncertainty as well as understand instrument response.

In collaboration with Taraz Metrology, Polytec and Renishaw, supported by the Midlands Centre for Data Driven Metrology, we will determine artefacts and procedures to determine the ISO 25178-600 metrological characteristics for large-area instruments and develop the traceability path to benefit both instrument manufacturers and end users. The aim is for the artefacts to be commercially exploited and becoming adopted as part of the suite of international metrology standards.


Manufacturing Metrology Team

Room B38 Advanced Manufacturing Building
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB